Are U Kranian? — Episode 8

Dan gives us the origin story of Ukraine and Russia in this deep dive on the history that most media likes to pretend doesn’t exist. Pro-tip: History began before yesterday. Neema takes point on the more recent geopolitical moves of NATO v. Russia. We’re used to laughing while western civilization burns. In this one we laugh uneasily while nukes get aimed.

Rubbing Your Nuts on DC — Episode 6

The Holiest of Holies for State Lickers gets a nice tea bagging from some virile Trump Humpers. Neema’s homeschool curriculum using anime to explain USGOV’s world empire and it’s politics proves more apt than ever. Dan drop truth bombs about this top tier moment and it’s implications on the land between Mexico and Canada. Meanwhile the left is forced into some …interesting… dynamics.

Episode 4 — Epstein Saga, Pt 1: Organized Crime, Sexual Blackmail and Robert Maxwell

In the Fourth Episode of Statebusters Daniel Coxon and Neema Vedadi dive deep into the background of the Jefferey Epstein story.  Epstein did not build his operation from scratch.  He was brought in on something that had been up and running for a long time.  We start the story with an overview of the world of organized crime on the eve of World War 2.  This is an epic tale of mobsters, spies, wars, sex and yachts, and it’s only Part 1.

Robert Maxwell and his Lady Ghislaine

Episode 3 – Garrett Foster and Escalating Tragedy

Protestor shot dead in horrific tragedy that hits close to home for Neema. We discuss the details including local insights you won’t hear from Culture Warriors. Dan shares his own on-the-ground experience with protests. The “where do we go from here” gets a bit dark but the boys find the light of redemption at the end.